International Research Articles


Article Name Year
Pantawat Sampanpanish and Nawaporn Thetthotsaporn, Efficiency of EDTA and TWEEN 80 for removal of chromium using soil washing technologies (2018), American Journal of Applied Science, 15(1) , 43–50 2018
Thaipradit P., Limphitakphong N., Kanchanapiya P., Tantisattayakul T., Chavalparit O., The influence of building envelop materials on its life cycle performance: A case study of educational building in Thailand (2018), Key Engineering Materials, 780 KEM , 74-79 2018
Sampanpanish P., Suwattiga P., Removal of arsenic and manganese from the tailing storage facility of a gold mine using vetiveria zizanioides, Bambusa bambos and Pennisetum purpureum (2017), Soil and Environment, 36 , 114-119 2017
Hensawang S., Chanpiwat P., Health impact assessment of arsenic and cadmium intake via rice consumption in Bangkok, Thailand (2017), Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189 , 2017
Ben Othman A., Ellouzi H., Planchais S., De Vos D., Faiyue B., Carol P., Abdelly C., Savoure A., Phospholipases Dζ1 and Dζ2 have distinct roles in growth and antioxidant systems in Arabidopsis thaliana responding to salt stress (2017), Planta, 246 , 721-735 2017
Tuntiwiwattanapun N., Usapein P., Tongcumpou C., The energy usage and environmental impact assessment of spent coffee grounds biodiesel production by an in-situ transesterification process (2017), Energy for Sustainable Development, 40 , 50-58 2017
Niyommaneerat W., Nakajima F., Tobino T., Yamamoto K., Development of a chronic sediment toxicity test using the benthic ostracod Heterocypris incongruens and their application to toxicity assessments of urban road dust (2017), Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 143 , 266-274 2017
Chumyam A., Shank L., Faiyue B., Uthaibutra J., Saengnil K., Effects of chlorine dioxide fumigation on redox balancing potential of antioxidative ascorbate-glutathione cycle in ‘Daw’ longan fruit during storage (2017), Scientia Horticulturae, 222 , 76-83 2017
Tuntiwiwattanapun N., Monono E., Wiesenborn D., Tongcumpou C., In-situ transesterification process for biodiesel production using spent coffee grounds from the instant coffee industry (2017), Industrial Crops and Products, 102 , 23-31 2017
Homchuen K., Anuwattana R., Limphitakphong N., Chavalparit O., Toward zero waste to landfill: An effective method for recycling zeolite waste from refinery industry (2017), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 222 , 2017
Treenate P., Limphitakphong N., Chavalparit O., A complete life cycle assessment of high density polyethylene plastic bottle (2017), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 222 , 2017
Chanpiwat P., Hanh H.T., Bang S., Kim K.-W., Single and combined effects of phosphate, silicate, and natural organic matter on arsenic removal from soft and hard groundwater using ferric chloride Effets uniques et combinés du phosphate, du silicate et de la matière organique naturelle sur l’élimination de l’arsenic des eaux souterraines douces et dures à l’aide de chlorure ferrique Efeito único e combinado de fosfato, silicato, e matéria orgânica natural na remoção de arsênio de águas subterrâneas moles e duras usando cloreto férrico Efectos individuales y combinados del fosfato, silicato y materia orgánica natural sobre la remoción de arsénico en aguas subterráneas blandas y duras usando cloruro férrico (2017), Hydrogeology Journal, 25 , 1183-1190 2017
Ruangrit C., Usapein P., Limphitakphong N., Chavalparit O., Evaluation of the environmental impact of portion bag for food packaging: A case study of Thailand (2017), IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 67 , 2017
Damrongsiri S., Feasibility of using demolition waste as an alternative heavy metal immobilising agent (2017), Journal of Environmental Management, 192 , 197-202 2017
Archariyapanyakul P., Pangkumhang B., Khamdahsag P., Tanboonchuy V., Synthesis of Silica-supported Nanoiron for Cr(VI) Removal: Application of Box-Behnken Statistical Design (BBD) (2017), Sains Malaysiana, 46 , 655-665 2017
Khunpon B., Cha-Um S., Faiyue B., Uthaibutra J., Saengnil K., Influence of paclobutrazol on growth performance, photosynthetic pigments, and antioxidant efficiency of Pathumthani 1 rice seedlings grown under salt stress (2017), ScienceAsia, 43 , 70-81 2017
Phasukarratchai N., Damrongsiri S., Tongcumpou C., Degradation rates of phorbol esters in Jatropha curcas L. oil and pressed seeds under different storage conditions (2017), Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 97 , 1482-1487 2017
Suwanpahu G., Tantisattayakul T., Limphitakphong N., Chavalparit O., Greenhouse gases reduction assessment from energy efficiency improvement: Case study of power generation and distribution (2017), Materials Science Forum, 886 MSF , 133-137 2017
Niyomthongchai D., Limphitakphong N., Chavalparit O., Reusing rockwool insulation waste as plant substrate: A case study of Flase Heather (cuphea hyssopifolia Humb.) (2017), Materials Science Forum, 886 MSF , 128-132 2017
Phasukarratchai N., Damrongsiri S., Tongcumpou C., Recovery of phorbol esters from pressed jatropha seeds by surfactant extraction and cloud-point separation (2017), Industrial Crops and Products, 95 , 549-557 2017


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