International Research Articles


Article Name Year
Khunphonoi R., Khamdahsag P., Chiarakorn S., Grisdanurak N., Paerungruang A., Predapitakkun S., Enhancement of elemental mercury adsorption by silver supported material (2015), Journal of Environmental Sciences (China), 32 , 207-216 2015
Junmatong C., Faiyue B., Rotarayanont S., Uthaibutra J., Boonyakiat D., Saengnil K., Cold storage in salicylic acid increases enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants of Nam Dok Mai No. 4 mango fruit (2015), ScienceAsia, 41 , 12-21 2015
Khamla Nanthavong and Pantawat Sampanpanish, Effect of NTA and EDTA on arsenic uptake from contaminated soil by Mimosa pudica (2015), Modern Applied Science, 9(10) , 1–12 2015
Kanchanapiya P., Julapun N., Limphitakphong N., Pharino C., Chavanparit O., Evaluation Of emission and reduction of greenhouse gases from upstream petrochemical industry in Thailand (2015), Environment Protection Engineering, 41 , 31-46 2015
Chomkitichai W., Faiyue B., Rachtanapun P., Uthaibutra J., Saengnil K., Enhancement of the antioxidant defense system of post-harvested 'Daw' longan fruit by chlorine dioxide fumigation (2014), Scientia Horticulturae, 178 , 138-144 2014
Saengnil K., Chumyam A., Faiyue B., Uthaibutra J., Use of chlorine dioxide fumigation to alleviate enzymatic browning of harvested 'Daw' longan pericarp during storage under ambient conditions (2014), Postharvest Biology and Technology, 91 , 49-56 2014
Sampanpanish P., Pojanaporn T., Comparison of edta and edds enhancted phytoextraction of Cr and Pb from contaminated soil by Ananas comosus (L.) Merr (2014), American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science, 9 , 361-368 2014
Chanpiwat P., Lee B.-T., Kim K.-W., Sthiannopkao S., Human health risk assessment for ingestion exposure to groundwater contaminated by naturally occurring mixtures of toxic heavy metals in the Lao PDR (2014), Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186 , 4905-4923 2014
Chanpiwat P., Sthiannopkao S., Status of metal levels and their potential sources of contamination in Southeast Asian rivers (2014), Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 21 , 220-233 2014
Tuntiwiwattanapun N., Tongcumpou C., Haagenson D., Wiesenborn D., Development and scale-up of aqueous surfactant-assisted extraction of canola oil for use as biodiesel feedstock (2013), JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society, 90 , 1089-1099 2013
Damrongsiri S., Tongcumpou C., Sabatini D.A., Partition behavior of surfactants, butanol, and salt during application of density-modified displacement of dense non-aqueous phase liquids (2013), Journal of Hazardous Materials, 248-249 , 261-267 2013
Nilrit S., Sampanpanish P., Bualert S., Emission factors of CH4 and CO2 emitted from vehicles (2013), American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 9 , 38-44 2013
Chumyam A., Whangchai K., Jungklang J., Faiyue B., Saengnil K., Effects of heat treatments on antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content of four cultivars of purple skin eggplants (2013), ScienceAsia, 39 , 246-251 2013
Pantawat Sampanpanish, The effects of the rice variety and type of fertilizer on the emission of greenhouse gases from rice paddy fields (2013), Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, (17)4 , 42–48 2013
Sampanpanish P., Effect of organic fertilizer on CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions in a paddy field (2012), Modern Applied Science, 6 , 13-21 2012
Sangkhun W., Laokiat L., Tanboonchuy V., Khamdahsag P., Grisdanurak N., Photocatalytic degradation of BTEX using W-doped TiO 2 immobilized on fiberglass cloth under visible light (2012), Superlattices and Microstructures, 52 , 632-642 2012
Nilrit S., Sampanpanish P., Emission factor of carbon dioxide from in-use vehicles in Thailand (2012), Modern Applied Science, 6 , 52-57 2012
Faiyue B., Al-Azzawi M.J., Flowers T.J., A new screening technique for salinity resistance in rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings using bypass flow (2012), Plant, Cell and Environment, 35 , 1099-1108 2012
Sampanpanish P., Use of organic fertilizer on paddy fields to reduce greenhouse gases (2012), ScienceAsia, 38 , 323-330 2012
Sureeporn Nipithwittaya and Pantawat Sampanpanish, Estimation of soil organic carbon concentration accumulated in mangrove forest filtration system. (2012), Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment., 16(5) , 60–67 2012


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